Critical torque equipment

Critical torque tool equipment is precision instrumentation, designed to apply precisely controlled torque to your bolting applications, ensuring that they are tightened to the exact specifications required for optimal performance and reliability. With their ability to provide accurate and consistent torque values, these tools are essential for ensuring the structural integrity and longevity of various machinery and infrastructure components. 

PERSAS uses the latest in calibration technology and software, calibrating torque equipment within OEM standards. PERSAS expert team works to deliver custom solutions for applications that don’t seem like off shelf solutions will fit.

In an era where precision and safety are paramount, critical torque equipment is indispensable for maintaining the highest standards of quality and reliability.

Not sure what you need? Get in contact with our technical consultants.

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Battery Operated

Battery Operated

Pneumatic Operated

Pneumatic Operated

Hydraulic Operated

Hydraulic Operated

Manually Operated torque wrench

Manually Operated

Battery Operated

Electric Operated

Verification Equipment

Verification Equipment

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